What is PCOS / PCOD?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) also known as Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), is an issue involving the hormones of a woman being unbalanced. It may result in issues with menstruation and difficulty in getting pregnant. PCOS can also result in unwelcomed changes in appearance. If left untreated for a long period of time, this condition can result in serious health issues like heart disease and diabetes. The symptoms usually start in teenage years and there are treatments that can aid in the control of symptoms and avoid long-term problems

What are the causes of PCOS?

PCOS symptoms result from hormone level changes due to lifestyle or environment or there might be more than one reason for the changes in hormone levels. This condition tend to be a family tradition, therefore, if other women in the family are experiencing this condition, diabetes or irregular periods, this can be inherited from the father or mother’s side of the family.

One underlying problem detected from PCOS sufferers is hormonal imbalance. This happens when a female produces more androgens or male hormones than women hormones. If you have high androgen levels, then these hormones will start to hamper the growth and release of eggs when you ovulate.

There are also studies that show that there is a link between PCOS and insulin. Insulin refers to a hormone capable of controlling the process of changing starches, sugar and other related foods into energy so the body can start to use it or store it for future use. A lot of PCOS sufferers have excessive levels of insulin. Those who are insulin-resistant are also at risk.

Insulin resistance takes place when the tissues inside your body resist the effects produced by insulin. The result would be requiring the body to produce additional insulin to compensate. High insulin levels trigger the production of excessive testosterone hormone; the excess testosterones will interfere with the growth of follicles that refer to the sacs found in your ovaries where the development of eggs takes place.

The role of hormones in PCOS

Hormones are known as chemical messengers that activate a variety of processes which include energy production and growth. Frequently, one hormone’s task is simply to signal another hormone’s release.

There will be one change in hormone that can trigger one other change and this change can occur again. For instance, sex hormones may become imbalanced; normally, a small amount of masculine sex hormones or androgens are made by the ovaries. In PCOS, little more androgens are created. This might result in the interruption of ovulation, getting acne and growing excess body and facial hair (hirsutism).

What symptoms come with PCOS?

pcos symptoms

PCOS symptoms usually start right after a female starts to menstruate. It should be noted that the severity and type of symptoms differ from one person to another; but the most common among all of them is an irregular menstrual period. Since PCOS is also characterized by reduced female sex hormones, it can also trigger its sufferers to develop a few male characteristics including excess hair found on the chest, toes, thumbs, stomach and face, thin hair, decreased breast size and deep voice. The following signs and symptoms of PCOS may also be noticeable:

Abnormal menstruation – This is the most usual sign of PCOS. Menstrual abnormality is usually characterized by menstrual intervals that go beyond thirty-five days, less than 8 menstrual cycles annually, prolonged heavy and scant periods and failure to have a menstruation for a period longer than 4 months.

Elevated male hormone or androgen levels – This sign of PCOS can also trigger other physical symptoms including excess body and facial hair, male pattern baldness and severe adolescent or adult acne.

Polycystic ovaries – Another attribute of PCOS is enlarged ovary; the enlarged ovaries contain small cysts.

Although some women with PCOS have regular periods, high levels of androgens and also the hormone insulin can disrupt the monthly cycle of ovulation (when eggs are released) and menstruation.

As menstrual cycles lengthen, ovulation may stop entirely or only occur occasionally. Some women with PCOS also experience heavier or lighter bleeding during their menstrual cycle.

Majority of women having this condition may have a small cyst growing on the ovaries. This is the reason it is labeled 'polycystic ovary syndrome'. This is actually a misnomer as the ovaries of women are not really full of cysts but rather ovarian follicles that each contains an egg due to abnormalities when ovulation does not occur and enlarged ovaries containing multiple small follicles. These are tiny fluid-filled sacs that normally contain the eggs.

Below are some signs and symptoms of PCOS:

  • Infertility (not able to get pregnant) because of not ovulating. In fact, PCOS is the most common cause of female infertility.
  • Infrequent, absent, and / or irregular menstrual periods.
  • Hirsutism - Increased hair growth on the face, chest, stomach, back, thumbs or toes.
  • Cysts on the ovaries.
  • Acne, oily skin or dandruff.
  • Weight gain or obesity, usually with extra weight around the waist.
  • Male-pattern baldness or thinning hair.
  • Patches of skin on the neck, arms, breasts or thighs that are thick and dark brown or black.
  • Skin tags - Excess flaps of skin in the armpits or neck area.
  • Pelvic pain Anxiety or Depression.
  • Sleep Apnea - When breathing stops for short periods of time while asleep.

What is a cyst?

In scientific terms, a cyst is an abnormal growth that can be located anywhere in and on the human body. This unnatural growth usually presents itself in the form of a small, hollow sac, filled with fluid, air or other substances. Though cysts may grow or develop into tumors, not all of these growths become malignant. Some cysts are diagnosed to be benign, or harmless. These growths are usually left in their place if the doctor decides that they will simply be reabsorbed by the body. However, there are also a lot of doctors who opt for surgery as soon as they see a cyst, whether benign or malignant, to avoid any chance of negative development or infection.

There are many kinds of cysts that can be found in the human body. Some examples of these cysts are: dermoid cysts, pancreatic cysts and sebaceous cysts. Most cysts are found and diagnosed when the patient is subjected to examinations like the MRI scans, X-rays, ultrasound scans and palpations.

What is an ovarian cyst?

Ovarian cysts, from the name itself, are unnatural sac growths in a woman’s ovaries. These cysts may appear in one or both of the patient’s ovaries. In most cases, such cysts are diagnosed to be harmless, and are reabsorbed into the body after some time. However, some ovarian cysts are not reabsorbed into the patient’s body. Instead, these cysts grow and if left untreated, burst. When an ovarian cyst grows or bursts, it puts the ovaries and the other reproductive organs at risk for infection and harm. A woman’s ovaries are about the size of an almond. They house the reproductive cells that are critical to the formation of an embryo during fertilization. If the cysts in the ovaries do not disappear eventually or are not given appropriate treatment as soon as possible, then the patient runs the risk of having decreased chances of pregnancy. Ovarian cysts usually appear in women who are mature enough to have children. On the other hand, these cysts rarely appear in women who are in their postmenopausal stage.

Are there Different Types of Ovarian Cysts?

With the advance of medicine and technology, the scientific community has managed to identify five different types of ovarian cysts. They are described in brief below.

There are two main types of cysts that may develop in the ovaries. Functional cysts are so named because they form during the menstrual cycle, while the non-functional cysts may develop any time during the development and growth of the ovaries.

1. Follicular cyst

This type of cyst occurs when the follicle that developed in the ovaries of a woman nearing the ovulation stage fails to rupture and release the egg cell it contains. The follicle continues to grow and eventually acts as a functional cyst.

2. Corpeus Luteum cyst

Now, this type of cyst occurs when the follicle does release the egg at the ovulation stage. After releasing the egg, the follicle changes into what is called the corpeus luteum. The opening of the corpeus luteum is sealed off and then accumulates fluid. It will then also be diagnosed as a functional cyst.

3. Dermoid cyst

The dermoid cyst is considered a complex type of cyst because it develops from the same cells that produce the human egg cell. Usually, dermoid cysts contain hair, teeth or skin inside. They are rarely diagnosed as malignant.

4. Ovarian Cystadenomas

This type of cyst develops from the same tissue that ovaries are made of. They are usually filled with fluid or mucous. If they are diagnosed to be malignant, they are then called cystadenocarcinoma.

5. Ovarian Endometriomas

This kind of cyst develops from the attachment of endometrial cells to the surface of the ovaries.

What are Fibroids?

Also called myomas or leiomyomas, uterine fibroids are benign tumors in the uterus that develop during a woman’s childbearing years. They rarely progress into cancer and are not associated with increased uterine cancer risk. The fibroids can be as small as seedlings, or they can be bulky masses that can enlarge and distort the uterus. A woman can develop one or several fibroids. Multiple fibroids, in extreme cases, can make the uterus large enough that it may reach the ribcage.

A lot of women experience fibroids sometime in their lives. However, most women are not aware they have fibroids as they don’t always notice symptoms. For asymptomatic fibroids, the doctor may only find fibroids incidentally during a prenatal ultrasound or a pelvic examination.

Symptoms and Causes

The symptoms can be influenced by the size, location, and number of fibroids. Some of the most common ones are:

  • Pelvic pain or pressure
  • Leg pains or backache
  • Constipation
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Frequent urination
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Periods lasting for more than one week

Other more severe symptoms that require immediate medical attention are:

  • Difficulty emptying the bladder
  • Bleeding or spotting in between periods
  • Painful, prolonged, or overly-heavy periods
  • Pelvic pain that lingers

While medical experts do not exactly know what causes fibroids, clinical experience and research point to the following factors:

  • Hormones. Progesterone and estrogen are two hormones that help line the uterus during every menstrual cycle. These hormones also seem to promote fibroid growth. Fibroids have more progesterone and estrogen receptors than the other muscles in the uterus.
  • Genetic Changes. Benign uterine tumors have genetic alterations, making them different from the normal cells of the uterine muscle.
  • Other Growth Factors. Substances that help in tissue maintenance (an example of which is insulin growth factor) can affect the development of fibroids.

'Fibroids' growth patterns vary. They may grow fast or slow, or sometimes remain unchanged. Some fibroids shrink unaided, while others increase exponentially. There are also fibroids present during pregnancy. After the woman has given birth, those fibroids can also disappear or shrink as the uterus returns to its normal size.


All women during their childbearing years risk developing fibroids. Other factors to consider that may impact fibroid development include:

  • Race. Women of African ancestry tend to develop fibroids more than women belonging to other races. Moreover, black women tend to develop fibroids while they are still young. They’re also more likely to develop fibroids that are larger and in greater quantities.
  • Heredity. If your sister or mother has fibroids, you also have an increased risk of developing fibroids. This applies to women from all racial groups.
  • Environmental Factors. Certain factors like early puberty onset; obesity; birth control use; a deficiency in Vitamin D; drinking alcoholic beverages like beer; and maintaininga diet high in red meat and low in fruit, dairy, and vegetables seem to increase a woman’s risk of developing fibroids.

Excess hair (hirsutism)

Hirsutism is an excess of hair on the face and body due to high levels of androgens stimulating the hair follicles. This excess hair is thicker and darker. The hair typically grows in areas where it is more usual for men to grow hair such as the sideburn region, chin, and upper lip, around nipples, lower abdomen, chest and thighs.

Up to 60 per cent of women with PCOS have hirsutism. Women with PCOS from ethnic groups prone to darker body hair (e.g. Indian and Mediterranean populations) often find they are more severely affected by hirsutism.

Hair loss (alopecia)

For some women with PCOS, the high level of androgens causes hair loss or thinning of the scalp hair in a ‘male-like' pattern (receding frontal hair line and thinning on the top of the scalp).


If you have PCOS, the higher level of androgens can increase the size of the oil production glands on the skin, which can lead to increased acne. Acne is common in adolescence, but young women with PCOS tend to also have more severe acne.


The non-release of matured egg from the ovary due to high levels of androgens and high insulin levels result infertility. Ovulation can stop completely or it can occur irregularly. This can make it more difficult for women with PCOS to conceive naturally, and some women can also have a greater risk of miscarriage.


Women who have PCOS generally struggle with their weight. The androgen levels that are elevated may result in insulin resistance as well as weight gain, particularly around the waist and abdomen. One of insulin’s vital roles in the body relates to fat storage. Women who have PCOS experience an exceptionally hard time getting rid of the weight, even if she is making every effort to lose it. It is suggested that women experiencing this really challenging time with their weight, should not give up and try harder.

How is PCOS treated?

Some very effective PCOS treatments include regular exercise, weight control and healthy foods. Gurus Garden has designed three Ayurveda supplements that can reverse the hormonal imbalance. Combination of these Ayurveda supplements will help you reversing the PCOS without any side effects.

Foods that are healthy as well as exercise to manage PCOS can aid in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and lessen the danger of diabetes and also heart disease.

A diet that is considered healthy generally has a lot of whole grains, beans, nuts, fruits and vegetables. This diet also is very low in foods that are rich in saturated fats like fried foods, cheeses and meats.

Smokers tend to have a higher level androgen which might trigger PCOS symptoms and smoking usually increase heart disease risks.

Negative Effects of Living with PCOS

There are very unpleasant symptoms that come with this condition. Among these is, in addition to irregular menstrual cycles, oily skin, acne, too much body hair, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol level, sleep apnea, infertility as well as thinning hair (sometimes balding that is similar to that of males). The uterus lining also becomes particularly thick because of the absence of regular periods. In addition, when a period eventually occurs, it can be unusually heavy and may come with uncomfortable cramping.

If the symptoms are untreated, it might make the matter worse. However, the treatments come with their own risks. Frequently, women who have no desire to become pregnant will be treated with birth control pills to allow the regulation of menstrual cycles. Side effects of some birth control pills include stroke, nausea, blood clots, insomnia, weight fluctuations, fever, and some amount of moodiness. Under normal circumstances, some women experience a few of these side effects also. Mostly noted that the birth control pills are not a permanent remedy for PCOS as that the hormonal imbalance can’t be treated with another hormone.

Getting Pregnant Despite Higher Rate of Infertility with PCOS

It is not easy to get pregnant due to missing ovulation and it is advisable not to get pregnant with PCOS because the hormonal imbalance will cause difficulty keeping the pregnancy for 9 months. Woman who get pregnant with PCOS have high risk of miscarriage.

Ovulation: The woman is required to be releasing eggs from the ovaries and this is better if it is done regularly. A menstrual period that is regular usually indicates proper ovulation. When the menstrual cycles are lengthy, this could mean that ovulation is infrequent.

Women that have PCOS, however, do not get regular cycles and as a result ovulation does not occur regularly. This will result in the difficulty of getting the fertile time correct. It is often reported that women have menstruation that occur for four weeks and up to twenty weeks. They do not know whether or not ovulation is taking place. At this point, some blood tests are usually done to find out for sure.

Pregnancy with PCOS

If pregnancy occurs while having PCOS, the woman can experience health issues that are greater when compared the regular population. The problems include high blood pressure that is induced by pregnancy, gestational diabetes, premature delivery and miscarriage. Research has also found that health problems like macrosomia (babies born larger than 4,500 grams), pre-eclampsia, as well as clotting factors occurring in women who are pregnant and have PCOS.

Gestational Diabetes

Although the female may have never had problems with diabetes before, blood sugar levels can escalate during pregnancy. This is called gestational diabetes. Approximately four percent of pregnant women worldwide are affected by this complication. Research shows that women that were diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy are known to have more elevated PCOS prevalence when screened. It is believed that the risk is greater among women who are obese and that need ovulation induction for conceiving to take place.

Pregnancy-induced High Blood Pressure

Any female that have borderline hypertension prior to pregnancy is expected to have more elevated blood pressure during pregnancy, but majority of doctors examine all the patients for issues relating to blood pressure. This should be documented right through the pregnancy.

Insulin Resistance and Miscarriage

For women who are experiencing PCOS and have been able to conceive, they could have a higher possibility of miscarriage when compared to women who do not have this condition. Some researches calculate the miscarriage rate for women having PCOS as forty-five percent, compared to the general fifteen percent average.

Levels of high insulin can essentially result in the increase of blood clotting at the border between the lining of the uterine and placenta, resulting in the insufficiency of the placenta; this is when the placenta fail to supply necessary nutrients to fetus and eliminate toxic wastes. This leads to miscarriage.

Premature Delivery

About thirty to forty percent of EPL (early pregnancy loss) are related to PCOS; EPL is known to be miscarriage that occurs in the first trimester. In majority of cases, there is no identified cause, but, not only defects in the development of the embryo, unfavorable changes in the endometrial function can be a factor. The dysfunction of insulin has been recognized as an EPL risk factor that stands on its own.

Promoting Healthy Pregnancy

Particular steps can be taken to encourage general health which may be helpful also in making sure that there is a healthy pregnancy that is free from complications in the days, months or years to come. The steps include making overall improvement to diet, doing more exercise, cutting down stress levels while balancing the hormone systems as well as getting an adequate and balanced amount of necessary nutraceuticals. Insulite PCOS System includes the approaches that are required to control PCOS and the Insulin Resistance that is underlying, which may be able to assist in reducing health risks which may occur during a pregnancy.

Normally, estrogen is produced by the follicles or eggs as they grow and develop in a woman’s menstrual cycle. The estrogen levels increase as the follicle gets bigger and approaches the time of ovulation. The hypothalamus messages the pituitary gland to produce gonadotropins, the hormones that stimulate the egg to grow, produce estrogen and eventually rupture in ovulation. By cycle day 22, the estrogen and progesterone levels are quite elevated. The hypothalamus senses the high levels of hormones and stops stimulating the pituitary, preventing follicles from continuing to grow when implantation of a fertilized embryo should be happening.




Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules (500 mg each )
Servings per container: 60
Each Serving contains %DV
Corn Extract-Myo-Inositol 75 mg. *
Vitex Agnus Castus Extract 75 mg. *
Actaea Racemosa Extract 50 mg. *
Angelica Sinensis 50 mg. *
Artemisia Vulgaris 50 mg. *
Red Raspberry Leaf Extract 50 mg. *
Burdock Root Extract 50 mg. *
Glycyrrhiza Glabra Root Extract 50 mg. *
Tribulus Terrestris Leaf Extract 50 mg. *
* Daily value (DV) not established.

Actaea Racemose in POLYCYS helps to suppress LH levels, which are usually high in PCOS. Actaea Racemose can improve LH/FSH ratios and increase ovulation rates. Actaea Racemose shows significant improvements in key gonadotropin markers such as LH and LH/FSH ratios.In addition, Actaea Racemose have been found to inhibit 5-alpha reductase, indicating that it may have benefits of skin and male paten baldness that exhibits symptoms of excessive testosterone in woman with PCOD.

Angelica Sinensis in POLYCYS helps is one of the most powerful female fertility tonic herbs. Angelica Sinensis works by promoting blood flow to the pelvis where it will stimulate an absent or scanty period. It also nourishes and helps iron deficiency and anemia. The increased circulation also helps to strengthen and balance the uterus.

Artemisia Vulgaris in POLYCYS encourage menstruation in women with amenorrhea, also Artemisia Vulgaris is a mild uterine stimulant. It also supports healthy digestion, aiding in assimilation of vitamins and minerals.

Red Raspberry Leaf extract is known as the 'Queen Herb' for its use in treating health problems concerning the female reproductive system. Women with heavy periods find that Red Raspberry Leaf Extract is very helpful in reducing the flow and associated cramping. Red Raspberry Leaf Extract contains a special alkaloid called fragrine, which encourages toning and strengthening of the muscles in the pelvic area.

Corn extract - Myo-Inositol in POLYCYS helps normalizes levels of LH, a female hormone that is essential for ovulation. This leads to better follicular maturation and the release of a healthy egg. Testosterone causes glands in your pores to overproduce sebum, which is oil that clogs pores when produced excess. Because of this action of testosterone and other androgens, women with PCOS often struggle with acne and oily skin. Myo-Inositol in POLYCYS helps reduce the testosterone effectively and clear up acne once and for all and reduces symptoms such as unwanted hair growth. Reducing testosterone levels not only relieves symptoms caused by high levels of this hormone, but allows other hormones to come into a better balance. Having high levels of one hormone often leads to overproduction or underproduction of others, as the endocrine system tries to achieve homeostasis.

Burdock extract in POLYCYS helps another very effective herb used for treating PCOS in women. Burdock contains compounds, which help in enhancing the functioning of the liver, thereby bringing about a balance of progesterone and estrogen in the body. Burdock helps in cleaning the entire body of toxins and prevents forming of cysts in the ovaries. This herb also helps in maintaining sugar levels in the blood, which is the main side effect observed by women suffering from PCOS.

Glycyrrhiza Glabra root extract in POLYCYS helps to maintain proper hormone production and release through support of the endocrine system. It works to help balance estrogen levels in the body. It also supports healthy insulin levels and liver health for hormonal balance support. It also helps for inflammation and stress response as well.

Paeonia lactiflora extract in POLYCYS has positively influence low progesterone, reduce elevated androgens (testosterone) and acts to modulate estrogen and prolactin. In vitro, the active constituent Paeonia lactiflora has been shown to affect the ovarian follicle by its action on the aromatase enzyme. Aromatase is important for follicle maturation, ovulation and corpus luteum function, steroid hormone synthesis and the regulation of the conversion of androgens to estrogens. The biofeedback in the pituitary and hypothalamus rely on aromatase to regulate prolactin and GnRH. The combination of Paeonia lactiflora with other herbs regulates the LH to FSH ratio. Over this period of time, serum testosterone levels decreased to less than 50 ng/dL and this resulted in seven of the eight women ovulating regularly.

Vitex Agnus Castus extract in POLYCYS can help to correct this imbalance and help restore or regulate the menstrual cycle and improve the chances of a pregnancy. Most women with PCOS have too much prolactin and too little progesterone during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, resulting in oestrogen dominance irrespective of whether oestrogen levels are raised or not. This condition is called a luteal phase defect or corpus luteum insufficiency. A corpus luteum insufficiency is defined as an abnormally low progesterone level 3 weeks after the onset of menstruation. Insufficient levels of progesterone may result in the formation of ovarian cysts. Vitex agnus castus is not a hormone however, vitex works by acting on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which in turn secrete hormones or send signals to other parts of the body to trigger the production of reproductive hormones. Chaste tree berry acts on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands inside your brain by increasing luteinizing hormone (LH) production and mildly inhibiting the release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). The result is a shift in the ratio of estrogen to progesterone, in favor of progesterone.


CYSTOMIN DS helps for menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea. It also helps bleeding gynecological conditions, control heavy menstrual period, reduces excessive and painful bleeding, leucorrhea and headache for women, depression,uterine fibroid, considered a uterine sedative and tonic, vaginal discharge and control obesity and helps in weight loss. CYSTOMIN DS has hypoglycemic effect thus helpful in controlling of blood sugar levels and reduces fatigue. Plant extracted ketosterol treats uterine fibroids and other internal fibroids. Good for anemic patient as it helps in the formation of red blood cells (RBC) due to adequate amount of chlorophyll.

CYSTOMIN DS promote blood flow to the pelvis where it will stimulate an absent or scanty period. It also nourishes the blood because it is rich in iron. One of the best uses is it helps women who are not menstruating to invite there menstruation back. The increased circulation also helps to strengthen and balance the uterus. Working to strengthen the uterus is vital for women with PCOS, since irregular cycles are common, which may cause the uterine muscles to become weak.



Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules (500 mg each )
Servings per container: 60
Each Serving contains %DV
Saraca Asoca 100 mg. *
Cynodon Dactylon 100 mg. *
Angelica Sinensis 100 mg. *
Ginseng Andin 100 mg. *
Maca extract 50 mg. *
Berberis Aquifolium 50 mg. *
* Daily value (DV) not established.

Berberine in CYSTOMIN DS works just as well as the top-selling drug for type 2 diabetes, Metformin (Glucophage). In a 2012 study published in the European Journal of Endocrinology, researchers evaluated the effects of Berberine in comparison to metformin in women with PCOS. In the study, berberine was every bit as effective as metformin in regulating glucose metabolism. Berberine also significant decrease in triglycerides and increase in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) levels.

Berberine exhibits anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and androgen-inhibiting properties. Berberine has been found to inhibit the growth of Proprionobacterium acnes, the bacteria known to cause acne.

Maca in CYSTOMIN DS contains alkaloids that balance hormones. Although Maca doesn’t contain any hormones itself, it directly affects the production of hormones in the pituitary, adrenal, thyroid and hypothalamus glands. Maca aids weight loss in people with reduced thyroid function who have trouble losing weight normally. The thyroid gland needs the other glands in the endocrine system to function properly in order to regulate weight loss. Maca is thought to act on the hypothalamus, the gland that controls a lot of body functions as well as the pituitary gland. The pituitary also controls the adrenal glands, ovaries and thyroid.


FEMDAYS is a combination of natural herbs designed to help regulate the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. FEMDAYS reduces the insulin spikes and maintain insulin resistance. FEMDAYS also contains high quality antioxidants, natural anti-inflammatories and minimize free-radical damages.



Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules (500 mg each )
Servings per container: 60
Each Serving contains %DV
Simarouba Glauca 100 mg. *
Saraca Asoca 100 mg. *
Cyperus Rotundus 100 mg. *
Tinospora Cordifolia 100 mg. *
Cuminum Cyminum 50 mg. *
Nymphaea Stellata 50 mg. *
* Daily value (DV) not established.


For women with PCOS and other hormonal issues, hair is a big deal. You get too much hair in some places, well everywhere but your head. On your head, you lose it. PCOS causes an excess of testosterone, leading to male pattern baldness, as well as male pattern body hair (excess hair on the chest, back, hands & feet, butt, all the manly places, also thicker & darker) and the dreaded facial hair.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine cause of hirsutism, acne and male pattern alopecia, often characterised by ovulation disorders (usually manifested as oligo- or amenorrhea).



Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules (500 mg each )
Servings per container: 60
Each Serving contains %DV

Corn extract as Myo-Inositol

500 mg. *
* Daily value (DV) not established.

Vita-Salute University in Italy recently studied fifty women who had polycystic ovary syndrome. They took supplemental myo-inositol for six months to determine its effects on skin conditions such as hirsutism and acne. After 3 months of taking inositol, the women had reduced testosterone and improved insulin function. In addition, after 6 months on the myo-inositol, they also had significant reductions of both hirsutism and acne.

The researchers concluded: Myo - inositol "is a simple and safe treatment that ameliorates the metabolic profile of patients with PCOS, reducing hirsutism and acne." As the researchers say, myo-inositol supplementation is both simple and safe. If taken over the span of half a year, it appears to reduce acne and hirsutism problems.

Myo-inositol shows the most promise as a dietary supplement for promoting female fertility, restoring insulin sensitivity in instances of resistance (type II diabetes and polycystic ovarian syndrome being the most well investigated), and for reducing anxiety as well. Due to the mixed benefits to insulin resistance and fertility, myo-inositol is considered a good treatment for PCOS in women.

It works by “informing” hormonal cells in the endocrine track how to operating normally in a hormonally imbalanced body. More importantly, it helps promote regulation in insulin levels. And because many women with PCOS are diabetic or pre-diabetic, you can see why myo-inositol would be a popular supplement.


Spirulina is a photosynthetic and aquatic, cyanobacteria often called "blue-green algae" that thrives in warm alkaline fresh bodies of water such as lakes and ponds.

Spirulina is full of blood-sugar balancing protein, blood-building iron, and thyroid-protective iodine. It made up of 55-70% protein which makes it the highest food source of protein in the world. It is a rich source of minerals and the antioxidant beta-carotene as well as the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which is great news for painful periods associated with PCOS.

Spirulina contains a powerhouse of nutrients and is an important source of chlorophyll, lipids, fibre, nucleic acids, vitamins, and minerals. More specifically it consists of several key amino acids, as well as vitamin C, beta carotene, chlorophyll, lutein, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, choline, vitamin K, lipoic acid, inositol, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, copper, protein, dietary fibre, omega fatty acids, and vitamin B12.

Spirulina is rich sources of chlorophyll. When you add Spirulina to PCOS diet, our body uses the chlorophyll to cleanse the blood and it protects DNA. In women with PCOS, the thyroid and adrenals glands are often under-functioning. Spirulina contains a lot of minerals and proteins, essential foods for the endocrine system like Magnesium and Potassium. Spirulina is a major source of iron that also assists in building a strong immune system. With many of PCOS patients suffering from iron deficiency especially those are anaemic.

Spirulina forms a gel swells in the intestine there by filling it up and reducing the absorption. Also, Spirulina plays a crucial role in controlling cravings. Due to its capacity to maintain and control weight in a natural way, Spirulina is one of the most popular food supplements used for PCOS diet.



Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules ( 500 mg each )
Servings per container: 60
Each Serving contains %DV

Organic Spirulina Powder (Arthrospira Platensis)

500 mg. *
* Daily value (DV) not established.


Women who develop enlarged ovaries with peripherally arranged follicles and echogenic stroma and ovarian cysts even after making changes to their diet may find that moringa oleifera is an excellent natural ovarian cyst treatment. Though Moringa oleifera is best known as a colonic cleanser and powerful antioxidants that can help the body naturally fight off the cause of the cyst. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help women experience relief from pain and mild bleeding caused by cysts.

Moringa is an extraordinary plant. It's a plant that has all the nutrients that could be found in a perfect food. Moringa oleifera is very good for repairing Hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance is worsened by taking processed food that contain chemicals, additives and artificial colourings.

The Moringa plant provides a rich and rare combination of zeatin, quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid and kaempferol. In addition to its compelling water purifying powers and high nutritional value, Moringa oleifera is very important for its medicinal value. Vitamin C - is the safest and most effective nutrient for the body. Not only that it helps the maximum absorption of Vitamins A, D, E and K but it is also an effective cure for the common colds and helps improve the immune system. The benefits of vitamin C also include the protection against cardiovascular diseases, prenatal health problems and eye disease. It is also promoting healthy skin.

Vitamin A - is also called retinol and a fat-soluble vitamin and helps your eyes adjust to light and keeps your body's mucous membranes moist. Vitamin A also has antioxidant properties which help neutralize free radicals in the body that cause tissue and cellular damage.

Calcium - is good for your bones and teeth. Most people do not have or fail to include Calcium in their diet which results to Calcium insufficiency. It is important to include calcium in the diet because it helps to strengthen the bones and teeth. In addition, Calcium plays a great role in the sperm motility.

Potassium - helps neutralize fluid and electrolyte balance in the cell. It helps prevent high blood pressure, promotes regular contraction, regulates transfer of nutrients to the different cells in the body and maintains the water balance in the body tissues and cells.

Protein - is essential to the structure and function of all living cells and viruses.

The Moringa Oleifera Contains:

  • 7 times the Vitamin C in ORANGES
  • 4 times the Calcium found in MILK
  • 4 times the Vitamin A found in CARROTS
  • 3 times the Potassium found in BANANAS
  • 3+ times the Iron found in SPINACH
  • 2 times the Protein found in YOGURT

When taking Moringa people have noticed:

  • More Energy
  • Lower Blood Sugar levels
  • Balances hormones
  • Promotes workout recovery
  • Improved Sensory Perception and memory
  • Increased flexibility
  • Better sleep cycles

Moringa Oleifera act as cardiac and circulatory stimulants, possess antitumor, antioxidant, antiepileptic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antipyretic, antispasmodic, hepatoprotective, antihypertensive, cholesterol lowering, antidiabetic, antibacterial and antifungal activities, and are being employed for the treatment of different ailments in the indigenous system of medicine, particularly in South Asia. Moringa Oleifera is considered as the most effective herbal treatment for infertility. The Moringa can help in curing infertility as it is a herbal medicine that contains a slew of nutrients such as minerals, high protein density, antioxidants, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, C, D, E, and K. Research from various labs have shown that natural herbal medicines can be applied to cure both male and female infertility, one of which is Moringa Oleifera.

The Moringa Oleifera helps men suffering from the erectile dysfunction issue. Also, the Moringa Oleifera is consumed to enhance the semen quality.



Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule (500 mg each )
Servings per container: 60
Each Serving contains %DV
Mirubga Oleifera (from 250 mg 20:1 extract) 500 mg. *
Phyllanthus Emblica 200 mg. *
Excipients 50 mg. *
* Daily value (DV) not established.


Unlike other Ayurveda medicine manufacturers, we (Gurus Ayurveda) use the latest technologies for manufacturing herbal medicines. We isolate the active ingredients from the medicinal plants and standardize the extracts for manufacturing medicines.

This process of isolating the active ingredients from the plant, our medicines will not have any toxic biochemical such as arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium.

Depends on the location, the content of arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium in the plant will vary. The toxic biochemical arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium are in every plant depend on the place where the plant is grown. Some part of the earth have more of arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium.

The traditional method of manufacturing Ayurveda medicines are by making decoction of all the ingredients together and dry the decoction using a heat tray dryer to make the decoction to powder. In some cases an alcohol extraction is performed for the whole ingredients. In both of these processes the whole plant is extracted including the toxic biochemical arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium. Then the extract will be capsulized for usage. Continues usage of such Ayurvedic medicines can cause serious side effects displaying various clinico-pathological conditions including cardiovascular and peripheral vascular disease, developmental anomalies, neurologic and neurobehavioral disorders, diabetes, hearing loss, portal fibrosis, hematologic disorders (anemia, leukopenia and eosinophilia) and carcinoma.

We use 100% herbal extracts in higher purity and concentration for treating few of the diseases that has no effective medicines / treatment in Allopathic system. We also import standardized herbal extracts from reputed labs all over the world for manufacturing our proprietary blend of Ayurvedic medicines.

We manufacture and market our medicines at California since last 25 years and 350 years in India.


DIM is a phytonutrient which is formed when indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is broken down. I3C can be found in cruciferous vegetables such as those in the Brassica family like red cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussel sprouts and cauliflower. Diindoylmethane derives its name from its molecular structure, two indole groups attached to a methane group. It is primarily an oestrogen regulating compound, having the ability to either increase or decrease oestrogen synthesis depending upon the dose. In addition to its effects on oestrogen metabolism, DIM is also being studied for its anti-inflammatory effects, anti-cancer properties and its ability to stimulate the immune system. In particular it may offer some benefit to diseases which are caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV, such as cervical dysplasia and respiratory papillomatosis. It’s anti-cancer properties and cancer-preventative properties are related predominantly to its effect on regulating the hormones oestrogen and testosterone, affecting the development of hormonally-driven cancers such as those of the breast, prostate, ovaries and uterus.

DIM or diindolylmethane has been found to improve estrogen metabolism by altering liver function in a way which increases the rate at which oestrogens are metabolised into inactive forms, thus clearing excess from the body, which is generally beneficial in PCOS as most women with the condition also have a relative oestrogen dominance. It also blocks some effects of oestrogen, though it may increase others. It is also an anti-androgen, reducing the amount of testosterone in the body, which is also usually a hallmark feature of PCOS.



Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule (500 mg each )
Servings per container: 60
Each Serving contains %DV
Diindolylmethane (DIM) - 99 % 100 mg. *
Saw Palmetto Extract - 45% 300 mg. *
Excipients 100 mg. *
* Daily value (DV) not established.




Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule (500 mg each )
Servings per container: 60
Each Serving contains %DV
Ganoderma Lucidum 450 mg. *
Excipients 50 mg. *
* Daily value (DV) not established.




Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule (500 mg each )
Servings per container: 60
Each Serving contains %DV
Vitex Agnus - Castus 250 mg. *
Alchemilla Vulgaris 250 mg. *
* Daily value (DV) not established.


"NUTRAPOTENT DS" is used to treat cancer growth or tumours caused by uncontrollable or abnormal cell division, which can spread through other parts of the body through the blood stream. The organic chemical used in the medicine is found in the tropical plant, Simarouba Glauca.

Research on Simarouba Glauca and its plant chemicals has focused on cancer and leukemia. The quassinoids responsible for the anti-amoebic and antimalarial properties have also shown in clinical research to possess active cancer-killing properties. Early cancer screening performed by the National Cancer Institute in 1976 indicated that an alcohol extract of Simarouba Glauca root (and a water extract of its seeds) had cytotoxic actions against cancer cells at very low dosages (less than 20 mcg/ml). Following up on that initial screening, scientists discovered that several of the quassinoids in Simarouba Glauca (Ailanthinone, Glaucarubinone, Holocanthone, Benzoquinone, Canthin, Glaucarubine) had antileukemic actions against lymphocytic leukemia in vitro and published several studies in 1977 and 1978. Researchers found that yet another Simaroubaquassinoid, holacanthone, also possessed antileukemic and antitumorous actions in 1983. More recently, in 1993, researchers in the UK cited the antitumorous activity of two of the quassinoids, ailanthinone and glaucarubinone, against human epidermoid carcinoma of the pharynx.

A later study in 1998 by U.S. researchers demonstrated the antitumorous activity of glaucarubinone against solid tumors (human and mouse cell lines), multi-drug-resistant mammary tumors in mice, and antileukemic activity against leukemia in mice.

Scientific research group attempts to synthesize one or more of Simarouba's potent quassinoids for pharmaceutical use, the plant remains an important natural remedy in the herbal pharmacopeias of many tropical countries and in the rainforest shaman's arsenal of potent plant remedies. Natural health practitioners outside of South America are just beginning to learn about the properties and actions of this important rainforest medicinal plant and how to use it in their own natural health practices.

Properties/Actions: Amebicide, Analgesic, Anthelmintic, Antibacterial, Antimicrobial, Antileukemic, Antimalarial, Cytotoxic, Emmenagogueue, Febrifuge, Stomachic, Sudorific, Tonic, Vermifuge

Phytochemicals: 15-hydroxyailanthone, 15-o-beta-d-glucopyranosylglaucarubol, 15-o-beta-d-glucopyranosylglaucarubolone, Arachidic-acid, Delta-13(18)-glaucarubin, Glaucarubin, Glaucarubinone, Glaucarubolone, Linoleic-acid, Linolenic-acid, Oleic-acid, Palmitic-acid, Palmitoleic-acid, Stearic-acid



Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule (500 mg each )
Servings per container: 90
Each Serving contains %DV
Simarouba Glauca Extract

Quassinoids in Simarouba Glauca Includes
Ailanthinone, Glaucarubinone, Holocanthone,
Benzoquinone, Canthin and Glaucarubine.
480 mg. *
Emblica Officinalis 10 mg. *
Piperine Extract 95% 10 mg. *
* Daily value (DV) not established.

10 Powerful Foods for PCOS Sufferers

Aside from drugs, medications, surgeries and alternative therapies that can help treat PCOS, you can also deal with the condition by changing your lifestyle for the better and by eating the right foods.

Here are the 10 powerful foods that can help PCOS sufferers reduce their symptoms and improve their chances of conceiving.

Romaine Lettuce – Being low in calorie, eating lettuce on a regular basis can help you feel full without worrying about further increasing your weight if you have PCOS. This food is also rich in chromium which aids in maintaining the normal level of glucose in your blood. It also ensures the efficient production of insulin, thereby beating insulin resistance usually linked to PCOS sufferers.

The presence of chromium in Romaine lettuce is also beneficial especially if excessive weight gain turns out to be one of your PCOS symptoms. It even stimulates weight loss by controlling your cravings, regulating fats in your blood and reducing hunger.

Green and Leafy Vegetables – Green and leafy vegetables contain the highest amount of nutrients including iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium and Vitamins B, C, E and K. The presence of Vitamin B in these vegetables is also beneficial in managing the symptoms of PCOS. This specific vitamin is useful for effective fat and sugar metabolism and achieving the best hormonal balance and thyroid function.

One example of green and leafy veggies ideal for PCOS sufferers is the turnip green (Turnip greens are part of the cruciferous vegetable family, which also includes kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and rutabaga. These nutrition powerhouses pack in loads of nutrients for little calories and should be top of the list for your weekly grocery). Turnip greens have low calorie content and are rich in nutrients that promote weight loss and fight PCOS such as calcium and Vitamin C.

Broccoli – Broccoli is rich in substances that can fight cancer. It has a low calorie and fat content and has low glycemic index. Aside from relieving PCOS symptoms, broccoli also offers other essential health benefits including better immune system, reduced cholesterol levels, reduced inflammation and allergic reactions and improved bone and heart health.

Salmon – Salmon provides your body with a good supply of Vitamin D. It should be noted that Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to PCOS problems and symptoms including insulin resistance, weight gain and infertility. Salmon also contains essential nutrients including Vitamins B3 and B6 and magnesium that are all useful in maintaining the right balance of your hormones, improving your fertility and maintaining healthy blood sugar level.

Other health benefits of salmon include treats inflammatory joint conditions and osteoarthritis, improves cardiovascular health, stimulates better functioning of the brain, improves your vision and promotes better sleep. Wheat Germ – This food can effectively fight PCOS. It is rich in Vitamin B6, other B vitamins, zinc and magnesium. All these nutrients work in alleviating PCOS symptoms and boosting your fertility. Wheat germ is also beneficial for your health because it does not only fight PCOS, but also helps in improving your cardiovascular health, preventing cancer, fighting the signs of aging, improving your athletic performance, boosting your metabolism, improving the health of your muscles and encouraging pregnancy.

Cinnamon – Cinnamon is rich in properties and substances that boost insulin sensitivity and treat obesity and PCOS. It also works in decreasing food cravings and keeping your blood sugar level normal. It has an active ingredient known as hydroxychalcone which allows you to enjoy the positive effects offered by insulin. In terms of health benefits, some of the positive effects that you will enjoy from eating cinnamon regularly are better control of your blood sugar level, yeast infection and cancer prevention, improved memory and mental alertness and effective cognitive development. It also reduces cholesterol level and is beneficial for PCOS sufferers whose symptoms include infertility and menstrual pain.

Sunflower Seeds – Sunflower seeds have high calorie content; but this does not mean that you should start to remove them from your diet. Note that the mild consumption of sunflower seeds offers numerous health benefits such as supplying your body with nutrients that are vital in fighting PCOS symptoms. These nutrients include Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, magnesium and zinc.

Poppy Seeds – Adding these seeds into your favorite dishes and eating them regularly can contribute to better health. It also decreases your risk of dealing with severe PCOS symptoms. These seeds are small, but these are rich in vital nutrients including B vitamins, zinc, magnesium and calcium; all these nutrients contribute in preventing and curing PCOS.

Tuna – This food is ideal for dieters, especially obese and overweight PCOS sufferers, who wish to treat the condition by removing excess weight. Tuna is also rich in protein with 20 to 30 percent thermogenic effect; this ensures that your body burns a lot of calories by stimulating the proper breakdown and digestion of foods. The presence of Vitamins D and B in tuna is also good for PCOS sufferers.

Chicken Breast – Chicken breast can be incorporated into your diet if you wish to beat PCOS and lose excess weight. Go for the skinless variety because this is rich in protein while maintaining its low carbohydrate and fat content. It can also help women with increasing waistline caused by insulin resistance. Another vitamin present in chicken breast is Vitamin B6 which is useful in maintaining the perfect balance of your hormones and in boosting your fertility.

Dietary and Nutritional Tips for PCOS Sufferers

Now that you know the most powerful foods to include in your diet if you are suffering from PCOS, it is time to learn a few dietary and nutritional tips for developing the best meal plan for your condition. Some tips that can work for PCOS sufferers are the following:

  • Pair carbs with foods rich in lean protein - Protein can help you feel full for long hours, thereby allowing you to control your weight because you experience fewer cravings. Add protein-rich foods in every snack and meal. Pick turkey, fish or chicken instead of meat. You can also try vegetarian options including nuts and seeds, soy and legumes. Other great sources of protein are low-fat yogurt.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet – Your diet plan must be able to supply your body with healthy fats, healthy carbohydrates and lean protein
  • Include fiber-rich foods in your diet – Note that increasing your consumption of fiber can maintain healthy blood sugar levels while also lowering your cholesterol. Fiber is also more satisfying, thereby allowing you to eat less. Your target should be 21 to 25 grams of fiber daily. Among the foods that are rich in fiber are fruits like oranges, pears, berries, kiwi and figs, vegetables like squash, broccoli, spinach and peas, whole grains like brown rice, barley, quinoa, buckwheat and oats, legumes including soybeans, chickpeas, kidney beans and lentils, nuts and seeds and cereals made of whole grain oats and wheat bran.
  • Avoid sugary and starchy foods – Note that sugary and starchy foods can increase insulin secretion.
  • Eat calcium-rich foods – Calcium plays a vital role in producing insulin, egg maturation and in the development of follicle in your ovaries.
  • Eat brightly colored vegetables – These are rich in antioxidants that can fight PCOS and oxidative stress.
  • Plan your meals in advance – Creating a plan for your meals is essential in your attempt to be organized during mealtimes. Planning also ensures that all the ingredients that you use create a nutritious and healthy recipe that help you keep your PCOS symptoms under control. Just make sure to remember that the best recipes for PCOS sufferers are those that are dairy-free, have balanced amounts of protein and carbs, have low glycemic index and saturated fats and free of sugar and refined foods.

It is also crucial to note that while following a specific diet plan alone cannot prevent or totally cure PCOS, combining it with a healthy and active lifestyle and the intake of the right medications can produce positive results. Eat right and stay active to manage and prevent the long-term complications associated to PCOS.

Stick to an eating plan which is low in trans and saturated fat and high in fiber to reduce your risk of suffering from diabetes and heart ailments. Pair this with exercise and you will be on your ways towards a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. We’ll go over the benefits of regular exercise and PCOS in the next chapter.


  • Scientifically Proven
  • Clinically Tested
  • Toxicologically Tested
  • 100% Organic, HPLC Analysis and Standardized Vegetarian capsules



    POLYCYS + CYSTOMIN DS + FEMDAYS help toning the muscles of the uterus, balancing the reproductive hormones to stop excessive uterine contractions and optimal endocrine functions to balance the entire hormonal axis naturally, thereby relieving the spasmodic pain.


    POLYCYS + CYSTOMIN DS + FEMDAYS help toning the muscles of the uterus, balancing the reproductive hormones to stop excessive uterine contractions and optimal endocrine functions to balance the entire hormonal axis naturally, thereby relieving the spasmodic pain.


    POLYCYS + CYSTOMIN DS + FEMDAYS help toning the muscles of the uterus, balancing the reproductive hormones to stop excessive uterine contractions and optimal endocrine functions to balance the entire hormonal axis naturally, thereby relieving the spasmodic pain.


    POLYCYS + CYSTOMIN DS + FEMDAYS help toning the muscles of the uterus, balancing the reproductive hormones to stop excessive uterine contractions and optimal endocrine functions to balance the entire hormonal axis naturally, thereby relieving the spasmodic pain.


    POLYCYS + CYSTOMIN DS + FEMDAYS help toning the muscles of the uterus, balancing the reproductive hormones to stop excessive uterine contractions and optimal endocrine functions to balance the entire hormonal axis naturally, thereby relieving the spasmodic pain.